A Child's History of England/写给孩子们看的英国历史txt下载
英国著名作家狄更斯为自己的孩子撰写的一本英国历史普及读物。从英国早期居民至工业革命前的历史。极强的故事性和精美的版画插图,为年轻读者打开一个神奇的历史天地。 亚瑟王的圆桌会议、百年战争、“处女女王”伊丽莎白一世、击败西班牙的“无敌舰队”建立海上霸权,英国,这个第一个完成工业革命的“日不落帝国”、昔日的资本主义世界霸主,一千多年的悠久历史充满了神秘的传奇色彩。为了自己的孩子,英国伟大小说家狄更斯以独到的文笔,重新将英国早期居民至工业革命前这段最富传奇的历史娓娓道来。极强的故事性和精美的版画插图,为年轻读者打开一个神奇的历史天地。
Queen was very popular, and in her progresses, or journeys about herdominions, was everywhere received with the liveliest joy. I think the truth is, that she was not half so good as she has been made out, and nothalf so bad as she has been made out. She had her fine qualities, butshe was coarse, capricious, and treacherous, and had all the faults of an
excessively vain young woman long after she was an old one. On thewhole, she had a great deal too much of her father in her, to please me.Many improvements and luxuries were introduced in the course of these five-and-forty years in the general manner of living; but cock-fighting,bull-baiting, and bear-baiting, were still the national amusements; and acoach was so rarely seen, and was such an ugly and cumbersome affair when it was seen, that even the Queen herself, on many high occasions, rode onhorseback on a pillion behind the Lord Chancellor.