只要用力呼吸,就能看见奇迹!(As long as hard to breathe, you can see the miracle!)
樱花凋落时,不污不染,很干脆、利落(Life is short, to live as bright, pure and beautiful as the cherry blossoms, even death, also the decisive away. Cherry blossoms, and clean, neat, very simply)
生命、幸福一生一世永不放弃,一生一世只爱你,命运的法则就是循环 ,等你回来( Happy life, one's whole life and never give up, one's whole life only love you, the fate of the law is circular, wait for you to come back)
内容标签: 网王 少年漫
搜索关键字:主角:水无月影洛、不二周助 ┃ 配角:凌樱,越前龙马;佐藤攸凉,手冢国光 ┃ 其它: